Mixed Media Workshop


In this exciting 2-day mixed media workshop we will be exploring and using a variety of techniques and materials. You will learn about different surfaces, layering  papers, fabrics to create collage, creating textures using plaster, glazing, how to handle edges as well as adding images using photo transfer technique. You will learn how to use encaustic to fuse the layers together and achieve rich, complex, multilayered painting.

Available for two weekends:
September 28/29, 2024
October 5/6, 2024

I begin with a few words about my art and a short demonstration and explanation about some of the tricks and techniques. After a couple of hours, we will take a break for lunch. After lunch we will have some more time to work on the piece. You can also take it home if you like to keep working on it. Bring it back and keep working on it the second day or start a new one.

I will be providing all kinds of things for you to use and all the tools you might need. I wanted to mention that if you like please feel free to bring something personal that you might choose to use postcards, envelopes, maps, diary pages, notes etc. Photographs don’t usually work so well. 

Some of the things that will cover:


All kinds of materials can be used. Even if it will get covered it is best not to start with blank white background. Most artists will tone their canvases before starting to paint.

Wood, wallpaper, linen, fabric, textured paper such as rice or mulberry, book pages, prints, newspaper



Best not leave edges untouched. Torn edges, letting inner lining of the paper show. Inks works best for lightly staining the edges and to create aged look. Linen is very absorbent and works great with any ink. Acrylic paint can be used watered down or thick and rubbed into the edges. Plaster can be used to “hide” the edges or crackle paste. Since it is applied thickly the edges can be completely covered by it.


Adding text or similar objects such as musical notes, pieces of maps etc. will add visual interest. It can be used as part of composition but often people will try to read and will add some meaning if there is any text in the piece. Poems, dictionary entries. Could be foundation for the whole piece. Can be layered by using transfer technique.




Interesting effects can be achieved by using plaster. Apply plaster around the edges and/or around images to create more unified look. Dries opaque white, but can be “washed” with paint and/or sanded once dried. 

Crackle Paste 

PHOTO TRANSFER (my favorite!)

Color or black and white images/text on print paper. Can be applied multiple times to the same piece.


Final step. Use clear encaustic medium to seal off all the background layers. 


9/28/24 – 9/29/24, 10/5/24 – 10/6/24